GIS Community Forum : GIS Coordinators Support Group
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 Subject : GIS Coordinators Support Group Meeting - Jan. 11, 2023, 10 am.. 01/09/2023 04:58:41 PM 
Steven Hook
Posts: 24
The new IGIC GIS Coordinators Support Group will be having its 2nd meeting on Wednesday, Jan 11, 2023, at 10 am. The tentative agenda includes:

--reviewing the group's goals and objectives,
--participant projects for the new year,
--ideas and suggestions for future topics, and
--other business

This is a group where we talk about issues and topics coordinators are faced with. Please join the conversation to learn and/or provide your knowledge.

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 933 209 9950 | Phone: 312.626.6799
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