GIS Community Forum : ArcGIS Pro Support Group
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 Subject : February 2023 Meeting.. 02/07/2023 02:57:54 PM 
Marianne Cardwell
Posts: 46
What a crowd today! We had 24 people! Thank you everyone for joining us today! Here is an overview of what we discussed today:
  • Phil Bernard from Frontier Geospatial provided an overview of what he learned doing one of Esri's MOOCs (Transform AEC Projects with GIS and BIM) where he had the opportunity to import Revit drawings and data into ArcGIS Pro. He was also able to perform some analyses such as proximity to flood zones, sun exposure, and more. Esri offers MOOCs throughout the year and you can find out more at These are free and typically last about 6 weeks. Phil highly recommends taking the Cartography MOOC, especially if you are new to ArcGIS Pro. This class opens on February 22. When you sign up for a MOOC, Esri will create an AGOL account for you and provide the necessary licenses for the duration of the class. Phil Worrall noted that if you do not use the free Esri licensing, you may use up your credits.
  • Everyone introduced themselves - we had a nice mix of state, county, local, and private sector staff!
  • Steve shared an issue he came across at Pro 2.9.5. With Esri Support's help, he determined that if he had an OLEDB connection, the project would no longer open. He also has issues importing ArcMap projects into 2.9.5 - these projects may have OLEDB connections.
  • Marianne shared about her experience using OpenAI's ChatGPT functionality to help write some Python code to automate tasks. She has good luck with it overall, and it seemed to know at least some arcpy.
  • Trohn mentioned that if you manage your Pro licenses in ArcGIS Online, there is a setting to prevent people from upgrading their version of Pro. This can be particularly useful in preventing upgrades to 3.x, which is not backwards-compatible (projects saved in 3.x will not open in 2.x).
  • Trohn suggested a potential topic to cover the use of Pro to georeference historic imagery and publishing. Some days it seems to work and others it does not.
  • Phil Worrall asked if there was a best way to search the ArcGIS Pro documentation to find information about a specific topic. The general consensus seemed to be to use Google, prefacing any queries with "arcgis pro". Ben mentioned that results can be limited to a specific domain by using site:domain (so, for example:
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